


松下与Canoo达成协议 将为其提供电动车电池组

松下与Canoo达成协议,将为其Lifestyle Vehicle多功能平台提供电池组。新平台将配备80千瓦电池组,提供402公里的续航里程。

新车2021-10-26 16:47:20

VW: Challenges and opportunities coexist in China in 2021

Over the past three years, the development of China's new energy vehicle market

English2021-03-22 17:30:08

Changan EV enters the micro BEV market

On December 24, 2020, a report released by the National Big Data Alliance of New Energy Vehicles, together with some institutions, in Beijing showed that the average annual market share of small pure electric passenger vehicles has reached about 40% in recent years. The potential consumer market makes Hongguang MINI EV the world's second best-selling new energy vehicle.

English2021-01-26 17:57:38

NIO and State Grid EV Service plan to build 100 charging stations in 2021

On December 14, IIA learned that NIO and State Grid EV Service signed a framework agreement at the NIO Center in Beijing. The two parties will fully integrate their respective advantageous resources, carry out cooperation in the construction of charging and swapping power stations, and car network interaction, and strive to build 100 charging and swapping power stations nationwide in 2021, so that new energy vehicle users can use at least 100 million kWh of clean electricity.

English2020-12-15 10:09:53

BMW's mid-size SUV BEV starting at 460,000 yuan is expected to break the game

The iX3, the first pure electric vehicle of BMW's mainstream car series, was officially launched at the 2020 Guangzhou Auto Show, starting at 469,900 yuan, bringing a latest change to the Tesla Model 3, a hot international brand pure electric luxury car market.

English2020-11-24 15:25:42

GWM's Q3 revenue reached 26.21 bln yuan, up 23.6% YoY

On October 23, Great Wall Motor released its third quarter financial report. IIA learned that in the third quarter of this year, GWM's total operating income was 26.21 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 23.6% and a month-on-month increase of 11.5%. The net profit attributable to the parent company was 1.44 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 2.9%, the gross profit margin was 19%, and the vehicle sales volume was 286,000. From January to September this year, GWM achieved a total operating income of 62.14 billion yuan.

English2020-10-26 11:16:06

GAC Toyota's sales in the first three quarters increased by 10% YoY

IIA learned from GAC Toyota that its September sales reached 81,000 vehicles, setting a new historical monthly sales record with a year-on-year increase of 25%. In the first three quarters of this year, the cumulative sales of GAC Toyota reached 543,449, a year-on-year increase of 10%.

English2020-10-15 17:18:43

Chery sold more than 69,000 vehicles in September

IIA learned from Chery Holding Group that the group sold 69,075 cars in September, and all of its auto brands showed a growth trend. Among them, Chery Automobile sold 42,317 vehicles in September, a year-on-year increase of 9.9%, of which 28,241 vehicles were sold domestically and 9,991 were exported, representing year-on-year growth rates of 3.5% and 25.3% respectively. In addition, Chery's new energy vehicle market performed equally well in September, with sales of 4,085 units, a year-on-year increase of 25.8%.

English2020-10-12 13:09:43

Tesla releases Model S Plaid with over 1100 hp

On September 23, IIA learned that Tesla recently held a "Tesla Battery Day" at the Fremont Super Factory. On this battery day, Tesla demonstrated a number of innovative technologies such as cell design, cell factory, anode materials, cathode materials, and vehicle manufacturing, and released the Model S Plaid with a new powertrain. The new car has a maximum power of more than 1,100 horsepower and a quarter-mile acceleration time of less than 9 seconds. It is reported that the car will be delivered next year.

English2020-09-24 14:29:39

Renault: China's light commercial vehicle market will face drastic changes in next 5 years

The leading role of the light commercial vehicle market has been played by the Renault Group. Especially in European countries, the type and market share of light commercial vehicles sold by the Renault Group are far ahead of other automakers and take the lead. In the Chinese market, Renault Group is playing the role of a "second pioneer", hoping to accelerate the launch of Renault Group's light commercial vehicles and electric vehicles in China through the revival of the Renault Brilliance Jinbei.

English2020-09-22 17:38:02

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1五菱星光S预告图发布 提供纯电/插混两种动力
五菱星光S预告图发布 提供纯电/插混两种动力


2方程豹豹8内饰官图发布 提供6座/7座布局
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3猛士917蛟龙战甲开启预售 预售价76.8万起
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4岚图全新纯电SUV 岚图知音将在东风日产工厂生产
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5奇瑞瑞虎8 L官图发布 定位中型SUV/搭2.0T发动机
奇瑞瑞虎8 L官图发布 定位中型SUV/搭2.0T发动机

日前,奇瑞瑞虎8 L官图正式发布,新车定位中型SUV,外观设计十分大气,搭载2.0T涡轮增压发动机。

6售价或超60万元 LEVC L380将于6月25日上市
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7家族同款设计 阿维塔07内饰曝光
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82024款红旗H6上市 售17.98万-23.98万元
2024款红旗H6上市 售17.98万-23.98万元


9上汽大通新途V90/V70限时优惠 最高优惠价值3万
上汽大通新途V90/V70限时优惠 最高优惠价值3万


10极狐 阿尔法S5正式上市 售17.68万-21.68万元
极狐 阿尔法S5正式上市 售17.68万-21.68万元

2024年6月15日,极狐 阿尔法S5正式上市。新车本次共推出3款车型,官方指导价为17.68万-21.68万元。