


Chery Ant will be launched on Sept 22

It is reported that Chery Ant will be listed on September 22. The pre-sale of the new car has already started, and a total of two models of the high-energy version and the high-energy Pro version have been launched. The new car is based on the @LIFE ultra-lightweight vehicle platform and an all-aluminum body. The newly designed exterior style is bold and avant-garde. In terms of power, Chery Ant is equipped with a permanent magnet synchronous motor with a comprehensive cruising range of 510km.

English2020-09-11 16:59:00

Geely's first pickup rolled off the assembly line

IIA learned from Geely that the Geely Yuancheng FX pickup has officially rolled off the assembly line. In terms of appearance, the new car adopts a brand-new family style, and the shield-shaped grille is equipped with a waterfall-style decorative strip, which is full of visual impact. In terms of power, this pickup is equipped with a 1.8TD gasoline engine.

English2020-08-28 17:01:09

Land Rover releases new Discovery Sport and Range Rover Evoque

Land Rover recently launched the new Discovery Sport and Range Rover Evoque. The main change of the new car is the addition of a new powertrain, including a light hybrid power system consisting of a 2.0L four-cylinder diesel engine, a 1.5T three-cylinder gasoline engine and a plug-in hybrid power system composed of 1.5T engines. In addition, Discovery Sport and Range Rover Evoque also launched two special edition models.

English2020-08-27 16:53:22

性能品牌的后起之秀 5分钟聊Polestar的前世今生


文化2020-08-20 15:20:18

Beijing Hyundai Festa BEV (Power System) Open Class

In the growing domestic new energy vehicle market, A-class BEV occupy the absolute main force, accounting for 36% of the new energy vehicle market in 2020. Reasonable body size and moderate price are one of the important factors that attract consumers' attention. At the same time, the core technology of the "three-electric system" and the actual performance of the cruising range also play a decisive factor when users purchase.

English2020-08-19 15:35:54

Hongqi electric SUV real car photos exposed

IIA has recently obtained a set of photos of the Hongqi E-HS9 real car. The overall shape of the new car is solemn and elegant, and the front face is full of aura with a large waterfall-style grille. In terms of power, E-HS9 will be equipped with a motor on the front and rear axles. The maximum cruising range is expected to exceed 600km, and the acceleration time from 0 to 100 km/h may be less than 4 seconds.

English2020-07-28 14:19:39

Official photos of the new Toyota Camry revealed

IIA obtained a set of official pictures of the new Camry, US version. Seeing from the picture, the front face of the new car has been redesigned, and the larger vents on both sides make the car sportier. For the interior, the new Camry is equipped with a new style of seats, and the details of the center console have been adjusted. In terms of power, the car provides 3.5L V6, 2.5L four-cylinder and 2.5L hybrid power combinations.

English2020-07-17 17:37:09

J.D. Power销售满意度出炉 别克获主流市场第1名


行业2020-07-02 16:39:31

日产汽车与欣旺达合作 共同开发下一代车载电池


行业2020-06-21 14:52:08

New BEIJING-EU5 will be launched in July with a new LOGO

IIA learned from BEIJING: The new BEIJING-EU5 has already started accepting reservations. The new car adopts the new "BEIJING" logo, while upgrading the interior, interaction, comfort, performance and other aspects, and the product power is further improved. At present, the new EU5 can be booked in Beijing. In addition, the new car will hit the market in July.

English2020-06-03 17:10:05

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1五菱星光S预告图发布 提供纯电/插混两种动力
五菱星光S预告图发布 提供纯电/插混两种动力


2方程豹豹8内饰官图发布 提供6座/7座布局
方程豹豹8内饰官图发布 提供6座/7座布局


3猛士917蛟龙战甲开启预售 预售价76.8万起
猛士917蛟龙战甲开启预售 预售价76.8万起


4岚图全新纯电SUV 岚图知音将在东风日产工厂生产
岚图全新纯电SUV 岚图知音将在东风日产工厂生产


5奇瑞瑞虎8 L官图发布 定位中型SUV/搭2.0T发动机
奇瑞瑞虎8 L官图发布 定位中型SUV/搭2.0T发动机

日前,奇瑞瑞虎8 L官图正式发布,新车定位中型SUV,外观设计十分大气,搭载2.0T涡轮增压发动机。

6售价或超60万元 LEVC L380将于6月25日上市
售价或超60万元 LEVC L380将于6月25日上市


7家族同款设计 阿维塔07内饰曝光
家族同款设计 阿维塔07内饰曝光


82024款红旗H6上市 售17.98万-23.98万元
2024款红旗H6上市 售17.98万-23.98万元


9上汽大通新途V90/V70限时优惠 最高优惠价值3万
上汽大通新途V90/V70限时优惠 最高优惠价值3万


10极狐 阿尔法S5正式上市 售17.68万-21.68万元
极狐 阿尔法S5正式上市 售17.68万-21.68万元

2024年6月15日,极狐 阿尔法S5正式上市。新车本次共推出3款车型,官方指导价为17.68万-21.68万元。