


纯电续航75km 铃木Across Hybrid官图发布

日前,网通社获得铃木Across Hybrid官图。该车是铃木和丰田合作推出的车型,基于丰田TNGA平台打造。动力方面,铃木Across Hybrid搭载由2.5升自然吸气发动机+电动机组成的插电混动系统,WLTP纯电续航里程75公里。此外,新车将在欧洲市场发售。

新车2020-10-21 10:32:19

拥有更多选择 广汽本田皓影插电混动版路试谍照

日前,网通社获得疑似广汽本田皓影PHEV版本谍照,新车外观延续了在售车型的设计,车头粗壮的饰条将两侧大灯相连接,看上去既精致又比较大气。动力方面,皓影PHEV有望搭载SPORT HYBRID e+”插混技术。据悉,该车预计2021年正式上市。

新车2020-09-11 11:08:01

试驾本田锐·混动家族 高效成熟背面的不同点


评测2020-09-05 10:15:35

Jeep Wrangler 4xe will be introduced to China early 2021

IIA learned that the Jeep Wrangler 4xe will be launched globally on September 3 and will be first sold in the US market at the end of this year. It is expected to be introduced into the domestic market early next year. At the same time, Jeep Wrangler 4xe will become FCA's first plug-in hybrid model in the US market.

English2020-08-31 13:42:02

Land Rover releases new Discovery Sport and Range Rover Evoque

Land Rover recently launched the new Discovery Sport and Range Rover Evoque. The main change of the new car is the addition of a new powertrain, including a light hybrid power system consisting of a 2.0L four-cylinder diesel engine, a 1.5T three-cylinder gasoline engine and a plug-in hybrid power system composed of 1.5T engines. In addition, Discovery Sport and Range Rover Evoque also launched two special edition models.

English2020-08-27 16:53:22

Official photos of the new Toyota Camry revealed

IIA obtained a set of official pictures of the new Camry, US version. Seeing from the picture, the front face of the new car has been redesigned, and the larger vents on both sides make the car sportier. For the interior, the new Camry is equipped with a new style of seats, and the details of the center console have been adjusted. In terms of power, the car provides 3.5L V6, 2.5L four-cylinder and 2.5L hybrid power combinations.

English2020-07-17 17:37:09

陈伟霆代言 玛莎拉蒂Ghibli Hybrid今晚中国首发

日前,网通社从玛莎拉蒂官方获悉,陈伟霆先生正式成为新Ghibli亚太区代言人。同时。新车型Ghibli Hybrid将于今晚8点(北京时间)国内首发亮相并公布官方指导价。作为品牌旗下第一款电气化车型,新车搭载全新2.0T发动机与48V轻混系统。

新车2020-07-17 12:17:07

The last 18 legendary BMW i8s leave the factory

On June 25th, German time, the last 18 BMW i8s of different colors exited the BMW Group Leipzig factory gate, and their owners are waiting for their arrival, which also marks the official withdrawal of this classic hybrid sports car from history. Since its launch in 2014, the BMW i8 has delivered a total of 20,500 vehicles, making it one of the most popular hybrid sports cars in the world.

English2020-06-28 13:36:35

搭全新i-MMD系统 新款本田CR-V混动版官图发布


新车2020-03-18 12:10:54

Honda sales hit record high in 2019; how will it continue in 2020?

In 2019, thanks to the Chinese market and the concept of "paying for value", Honda's sales volume in China reached 1.55 million vehicles, a record high. Honda's products have been recognized by the majority of Chinese consumers in the context of the entire market's downturn in terms of used car value preservation, car performance, fuel economy, and quality reliability.

English2020-01-14 10:58:23

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12024款红旗H6上市 售17.98万-23.98万元
2024款红旗H6上市 售17.98万-23.98万元


2上汽大通新途V90/V70限时优惠 最高优惠价值3万
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3极狐 阿尔法S5正式上市 售17.68万-21.68万元
极狐 阿尔法S5正式上市 售17.68万-21.68万元

2024年6月15日,极狐 阿尔法S5正式上市。新车本次共推出3款车型,官方指导价为17.68万-21.68万元。

4岚图FREE 318正式上市 售价22.89万-26.69万元
岚图FREE 318正式上市 售价22.89万-26.69万元

6月14日,岚图FREE 318正式上市,新车共推出2款车型,售价区间为22.89万-26.69万元

5东风奕派eπ008正式上市 售价21.66万元
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6方程豹SUPER 3量产版官图发布 提供三种外观设计
方程豹SUPER 3量产版官图发布 提供三种外观设计

6月14日,方程豹SUPER 3量产版官图发布,新车定位中型SUV,并提供三种外观设计,新车预计在年内上市。

7小鹏M03申报图曝光 将面向10-15万级市场
小鹏M03申报图曝光 将面向10-15万级市场


82024款五菱缤果正式上市 售价5.68万-8.48万元
2024款五菱缤果正式上市 售价5.68万-8.48万元


9smart精灵#5申报图曝光 提供多种周边配件可选
smart精灵#5申报图曝光 提供多种周边配件可选


