

China Auto Trending Hashtag| Renault JMCG set JV/ Evergrande build charging network with State Grid

Renault has formed a joint venture partnership with Jiangling Motors Corporation Group (JMCG) to target the Chinese EV market

English2019-07-18 14:12:27

China Auto Trending Hashtag| SAIC & Mansour/ FAW-Audi Sales Company

Recently, SAIC signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement with Mansour Automotive Group, Egypt's largest auto sales company. The two companies announced the establishment of a joint-venture sales company.

English2019-06-19 13:57:35

Stadler encountered Waterloo at the peak. What should we learn from it?

Editor’s Note: Rupert Stadler, who served as Head of the Board of Management's Office for the Volkswagen Group in his 30s, and additionally Head of Group Product Planning at less than 40. He became Chairman of the Board of Management of AUDI AG at 43. His promotion speed is just like that of a rocket launching. But, is it still possible to maintain a humble attitude while facing the big vanity of car market? Stadler apparently did not give a satisfactory answer to us after the diesel-emission cheating incident. Maybe because of his management major background or the protection of the Porsche-Piech clan, Stadler has always refused to face the incident. The Munich court has already imposed a penalty of 800 million euros on Audi. As the chairman of Audi for the past 11 years, Stadler needed to shoulder some responsibilities of it. However, as a financially-background CEO, it is unfair for him to shoulder such high level of technical responsibility. Steady also feels unfair with a very. But, as the head of a car company, you have to be responsible for knowing the technology. Just as a Chinese saying goes: ‘成也萧何,败也萧何’, meaning that either success or failure boils down to the same person. (Li San, senior vice president, IIA)

English2018-11-06 18:01:59

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